On Thursday, October 30, 2003, at 02:00 PM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

[since the number of switchers around here is increasing, I think this is less and less off-topic ;-)]

Point your browser to


where you find very nicely packages for

 - apache 2.0.x
 - mysql 4.0.x (including JDBC driver!!)
 - tomcat 4.1.x (including mod_jk2 for apache2!!)
 - php 4.3.x (including PEAR and a bunch of extensions)

I use these too, very nice!
I had the feeling though that they were not being updated, though I could be wrong, maybe he's sometimes a couple of versions behind.

that install nicely on /Library/ and put themselves into StartupItems and provide a PreferencePane addon so that you can use the System Preferences to start/stop/configure/etc..

Yeah the PrefPanes are very handy. The TomCat one looses it occasionally. Just quit PrefPanes and restart it, and the TomCat one generally workout again whether it is on or off :)

Very Nice!!

There is also a package for Cocoon but it's 2.0.x

Ah, if you use MySQL, don't forget CocoaMySQL, it's a beauty ;-)

Its a must-have app, such a shame it does not access PostgreSQL though, I miss it!

Stefano, soooooo happy he switched... sooo happy :-)))

You have to write your story up for the Apple Switchers site :)


regards Jeremy

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