Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
>> gcasper     2003/12/17 05:42:14
>>   Modified:
>>   src/blocks/webdav/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/source/impl
>> Log: Interoperability with mod_dav
> Why so? I think that the cleanest way is to solve this issue where it
> belongs, inside httpclient if possible, or in httpd, with a
> BrowserMatch directive...

How do you solve that with a BrowserMatch directive? If that is possible
I revert the change.

mod_dav sends a redirect on collections without a trailing slash.
httpclient reasonably doesn't modify the set URL in any way. If you
prefer I could ask slide-dev to change WebDAVResource to set
followRedirects on propfind requests (I didn't test that yet and
somewhat fear the performance penalty).


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