Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Michael Wechner wrote:

I would like to propose to change the default behaviour of the
resource-exists selector re testing the path relative to the sitemap from it's being called.


Sub-sitemaps can be anywhere and not necessarily work with a sub-dir scenario in mind. Forrest is a good example of this, as we use several subsitemaps, all in the same dir.

What IMHO would make more sense, instead, is something like:

 <map:select type="resource-exists" base="foo/">
   <map:when test="bar/file1.xml">


* <p>
* A parameter 'prefix',
* <pre>
* &lt;map:parameter src="prefix" value="<code>some/path</code>"/&lt;
* </pre>
* may be supplied to the selector instance. This prefix is prepended to all
* test expressions before evaluation. The default prefix is '' (empty string),
* meaning that all expressions are relative to the current sitemap, unless
* explicitly overridden.


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