On 05.03.2004 17:45, Marc Portier wrote:

Yes, I only see that wb:unique-row (grouped by type: unique or not unique) is
outside of wb:on-bind (grouped by event: on-bind, on-insert, on-delete) though
it is executed also at on-bind event.

yes, but do you find that surprising? (in fact all of the on-bind is implicit on-insert as well)

I see.

see my question about 'suprise' above:
I don't think the cost in verbosity is gained by clarity here?

I think replacing wb:unique-row with wb:identity does a far better job at adding clarity.

All together we are at:

<fb:repeater id="myRepeaterId" parent-path="." row-path="TheRowPath">
    <fb:value id="myId1" path="myId1"/>
    <fb:value id="myId2" path="myId2"/>
    <fb:value id="field1" path="field1"/>
    <fb:value id="field2" path="field2"/>

IMHO the behaviour of what happens on the on-bind event is more related to the 'strategy' of the repeater as discussed here:


my proposal would be to mix-in the @strategy and have the docos introduce the clarity on what happens in 'on-bind'


I read all the threads and use cases. And yes, a unification of the different repeater bindings is desirable goal. @strategy or @type or ... is a good way to specify this explicitely.
Also the unification for binding to bean or XML is a one. This ends at the latest with the repeater at the moment as the @parent-path/@row-path is different for beans and XML.


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