Alex Romayev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asks:

> I have a registration form implemented using CForms
> inside a CachingURICoplet.  At the end of registration
> process (on confirm) I need to do the following in my
> flowscript:
> 1. Write results to the database
> 2. Log the user with the new username/passoword to
> portal
> Is it possible to do this from flow?  Using sendPage()
> for #2 would cause the page to be displayed inside my
> coplet, since it's working inside coplet's context. 
> What I need to do is something like:
> portal.sendPage(do-login?username=...)
> Is this possible?

I didn't see any answers go by, so even though I don't have any
familiarity with this part of Cocoon I will offer up one possibility.
If you're ok with JavaScript on the client can you just generate a page
to the coplet that would force the parent document to reload?
Essentially, a one line onLoad="parent.document.location='XYZ'" where
'XYZ' is generated as needed...

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