Jeremy Quinn wrote:

Hi All

I am working on a search form to add to the Lucene samples, that uses CForms to manipulate a QueryBean that performs queries for you. The Bean assembles LuceneQueries directly, so you don't use text expressions, you add Criteria to the Query's CForms repeater.

I am trying to work out how to get the Avalon Context's "Constants.CONTEXT_WORK_DIR" from within FlowScript.

I think I must be confused between org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Context and

My FlowScript gets a LuceneCocoonSearcher and needs to set it's Directory, all of the other Components that use this Searcher are contextualized, so have access to the work directory (which is the default location for Lucene Indexes).

Is there a way to do this from FlowScript?

Yes, indirectly, by calling cocoon.createObject on the following class:

public void ContextAccess implements Contextualizable {
   Context avalonContext;

   public void contextualize(Context avalonContext) {
       this.avalonContext = avalonContext;

   Context getAvalonContext() {
       return this.avalonContext;

And in your flowscript just type:
var avalonContext = cocoon.createObject(my.package.ContextAccess).avalonContext;

This also has some interesting side effects as the full, unrestricted object model is available through the Avalon context (see ContextHelper).

Remember "Less is more... or less" [1]? I really think it's time to remove the arbitrary limitations of the FOM.



Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies 
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

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