Colin Paul Adams wrote:
So after all that, if I were to provide patches that:
a) Remove the offending global parameter from the two stylesheets,

+ 1

b) add a global parameter to the driver stylesheet
c) Add code to all the stylesheets to read either html or xhtml input,
and write output as html or xhtml according to the value of the new

I don't understand what's the difference between html and xhtml in this respect. Can you elaborate further? The output from the XSL-T transformation should be well-formed XML in any case, it cannot be traditional HTML.

would these pathces be accepted? (If not, then I don't want to bother,
as it is then easier for me to do a copy-paste-edit cycle)

Please do provide them.


P.S.: I haven't forgot about your calendar patches, they are on my TODO list :-)

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