I'm currently working on a more-than-average sized cforms applications. We
have quite a few usecases where validation is kind of a PITA, requiring
quite a few of business logic to be performed. Nothing difficult, nothing
that requires heavy algos to be created, but still (as an example) quite a
bit of interaction with datasources to check for data consistency.

So far, we have been using Javascript, but I'm feeling we would hit a wall
very shortly since the road to spaghetti code is dangerously close. OTOH,
writing our own validators is kind of overkill: as I said before, the
current usecases are more convoluted than complex, and in most cases what
we need is "chaining" different validation rules rather than write
monolithic ones.

xReporter's expressions seems to us the next natural choice: writing
expressions is easy, yet there is all the power/flexibility of Java under
the hood together with the possibility of chaining stuff together. Problem
is, though, that we could really use composition in expression lifecycle:
atm, specifically, we need to access a Datasource, and we are skeptical
about using one of the available internal-only Cocoon hacks (or build our
own) to grab a ServiceManager.

Now, I reckon that xReporter expressions were designed as simple snippets
of easy code, and I sure see the benefits of KISS, but still we could use
some cooperation between components inside them. Do you have any handy
solution we might have overlooked and/or do you think the (easy to
implement) solution could be useful for other CForms users? Are your FS
alarms well off-scale already? :-)



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