Il giorno 11/ago/04, alle 11:18, Gianugo Rabellino ha scritto:

I'm not even sure this is enough. It is from a purely legal POV, but it might be confusing for users: unless we clearly state that Apache Cocoon is protected by the AL 2.0 if and only if you use the shipped version of the Spring jars, not the official ones, there is a risk of someone redistributing Cocoon with different/updated/custom built/whatever Spring jars which could be viral.

If someone downloads whatever product from somewhere else than an official ASF repository, isn't it *their* fscking problem to make sure they are complying with whatever license the things they are downloading are covered by?

If I were to provide a version of Cocoon on my FTP server, bundled with a closed-source or GPL version of JMS and JavaMail libraries, just because I want my customers to be able to use these features without having to replace the mocks we provide with a real impl., wouldn't the ASF have the same problem, assuming it was an ASF problem to begin with?


Ugo Cei -

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