FYI: Done.


On 25 Aug 2004, at 17:05, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

I'm rebuilding the site and javadocs, and I seriously fail the point of checking in generated javadocs...

There are something like more than 5600 files, and my SVN is crashing...

Plus, we're wasting resources for something that can be so easily generated (even on minotaur):

# svn co '' cocoon
# cd cocoon
# ./ javadocs
# cp -R build/cocoon-*/javadocs/. /www/
# chgrp -R cocoon /www/
# chmod -R g+w /www/

Ok for the site, but the APIs, it's just a waste...

[ ] +1 take them out
[ ]  0 I don't care
[ ] -1 no, leave them there


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