Hi all,

I've had problems downloading files over HTTPS with IE. This is a know
bug in IE, and there is also a known work-around. If the headers
Cache-control = no-cache and Pragma = no-cache are available, IE has
problems with downloading the content. The content is all the content
that is not shown natively in IE, such as PDF, DOC, ...

After a little inspection, it seems that these headers are already
available when CocoonServlet.service() is called. This means (I think)
that somewhere inside Tomcat these headers are set. In CocoonServlet, I
checked for these headers and overwrite them if they are available:
Pragma = public, Cache-control = max-age=0. Setting these values seems
to solve the problem (as many resources on the internet claim it should

Now I have to questions:
1. What would be an appropriate place to set these headers? Since they
concerned with caching, do they interfere with Cocoon's caching

2. Are you developers interested in applying this patch to Cocoon? I
have the code here if so.


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