I am having an intermittent error thrown, and i really dont see what is

causing it... I must be missing a concept for the auth framework here.. anyone have any ideas? the error is only thrown once - the first time an authenticated user attempts to access the page. after the error, if the user just hits refresh, the error is not thrown again and they can continue on normally.

"file:/blah/blah.js", line 23: uncaught JavaScript exception:
at dm_view (file:/blah/blah.js, Line 23):

18 function login()
19 {
21    if (!auth_isAuthenticated("auth-handler"))
22     {
23        if (auth_login("auth-handler", null, cocoon.parameters))
24        {
25            success();
26        }
27        else
28        {
29            cocoon.sendPage("internal/login");
30        }
31    }
32    else
33    {
34        cocoon.redirectTo("main");
35     }
36 }

The function for the page i'm trying to access is:

function dm_view()
      //Skip all the non-relevant stuff



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