Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 07.11.2004 22:22, Ralph Goers wrote:

That's the way we did it until now too. But all with only one view. What's your experience when supporting your multiple views? An additional needed field in one of your forms should result in editing so many views or isn't it?

I'm not sure I understand the last question. We use a lot of "preference" data (i.e. configuration) to allow a single use case to use the same xslts across the board. The preferences allow the view to change dramatically.

Sample: You have an object, that can be viewed and edited. This object will be extended by adding a further required field when editing it and would be of interest when viewing it. How much effort do you need to update all the views that reference it? To what degree can you reuse your views?
For such a change CForms is really bad. I had to update definitions, bindings, template so often!

That's for this kind of use case that I added the ability to set attributes in the widget definition. We have some use cases where generic templates are used that iterate on the children of a container (struct, form or repeater) and layout those widgets that have a particular attribute. That way, a single page template can be used for different form models, or also adapt to model changes.


Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies 
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

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