Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Sun did this with the Java API did this and created a mess, people linked to java/1.4.2/ and then 1.4.3 was created and all links broke down.

If a document shipped in 2.1.3 has a bug and was fixed in 2.1.4, why would anybody want to see it? and if 2.1.4 removed something useful for 2.1.3, that's a bug and we should fix it in the doc, rather than make everything available on the web.

So I'm -1 on this.

Makes sense, especially that all links to our docs may become out of date if the person linking to us doesn't use the dynamic version.

The reason for publishing docs of patch versions is, that not everybody uses the latest Cocoon version. I know a company that uses 2.1.5 and every now and then I came across the problem that I'm not sure if a feature is already available. But maybe notes within the document are good enough here. And when setting up a new repository for a new minor Cocoon version all notes _can_ be skipped.


ok. I will adapt my proposal

As for french docs, I *strongly* think that we should do this thru content-negotiation rather than URL design. A person accessing the page with a french browser will get the page in french, that's all they have to know (and the page will have a series of flags that will trigger an overload in locale, but that's going to be a parameter of the URL, not part of it).

The language a page is written, just like the data-type of the page, should not belong in the URL.

This makes the URL space way more "solid" overtime: I can link to

and *be sure* that it will be there a few years from now and, by then, maybe a translation in my native language would have poped up!

let's be brave!


For my new website (hopefully it goes online very soon ;-) ) I provide the most docs in German and in English. The URL is the same and as you describe, based on the browsers language either the one or the other content is displayed. Additionally the user has the possibility to switch.

Right, having a list of small flags in the page somewhere is a must... it gives the user the ability to know how many translations of that page exist... and, also, provide a *stub* for others to start attacking the problem.

Then I thought how e.g. Google can index both languages?

following those links above :-)

... what shall I say ... sometimes the solution is soooo close and I don't see it ;-)

It can follow the switching link but then it doesn't know that it should follow all links again. The result was the introdution of another transformer step in my pipeline that appends "l=en" or "l=de" (depending of the current language) to all links that makes all links unique and indexable.

yep, correct. the parameter overloads the facility. also easy to implement with request parameter matching ;-)

I think something similar can work for the published Cocoon docs maybe using some mod_rewrite tricks but it may become difficult when providing static docs. This probably needs some Forrest tweaks for generating the "downloadable" docs.

tell you what. forget about it for now. Think about going dynamic and later we'll find a way to make a persistent copy of that (either via forrest or simply by wget or something)

point taken :-)

here my next steps:
 - adapt the proposal so that it reflects the results of the discussion
 - same for the two demo repositories
 - implement the web application


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