Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le 18 janv. 05, à 09:59, Reinhard Poetz a écrit : *I* have to do it, I'll take the road that's the fastest for *me*...

+1, whoever does the work gets to decide (and later the community decides to use the stuff or not, but in this case I'm not worried ;-)

+1, darwin and do-ocracy do the job a lot better.

If I were the one to do it I would start with the requirements and get there with the simplest thing that can possibly work... and work from there.

So, go Reinhard! :-)

[sylvain, you'd better keep up buddy, or I might change my hero plate ;-)]

Grmmbl... You're challenging me ;-)

Anyway, I hope your hero plate is large enough to hold the names of everybody that deserves it. Keep up the good job, Reinhard!

Nah, the hero plate holds only *one* person at a time :-)

Actually, and I'm not joking, I think we should have a hero plate on our web page and put the name and have a nomination!... some ego stimulation goes a loooong way... hmmmm....


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