Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >Perhaps we should step back a bit and assess the situation. It seems
> >a cumbersome process to double-handle all of the source docs, just to
> >add some specially-generated docs. Would it help to put these special
> >docs into a completely separate workspace?
> I don't like this duplicaton process either. Well, as far as I understand, 
> the reasons for this is that we want to style the docs using the common 
> skin and not something different.

The copying of the source docs over to the build space was just so the
additional docs could get generated into that space too. They could instead
get generated into trunk/src/documentation/xdocs/sitemap-docs/
and we tell forrest to ignore the original sources at

I like your suggestion below. The "content" is what is important.
Each descriptive doc about sitemap components at /userdocs/ could just link
to the relevant generated doc at /2.2/sitemap-components/*.html rather than
trying to merge them (which is what is making it complicated).

> The question is, do we really need the 
> sitemap-component docs (some kind of API documentation) in this common 
> style? I'd say no. They are similar to javadocs and nobody has ever 
> complained about not having the tightly integrated in our website. (I don't 
> want to say that I wouldn't like seeing all docs in the common style but 
> it's not worth doing the huge amount of work to get it done.)
> Maybe  we can agree on this: Generated documentation is linked from our 
> documenation but is not integrated in our common style:
> This would make thinks much easier. WDOT?

It probably would.


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