Jeremy Quinn wrote:

On 13 Apr 2005, at 15:46, Upayavira wrote:

I have just done a huge commit (sorry!) of the old 2.1 documentation, converted into a flat structure with the content formatted as HTML.

I've also committed a site.xml to go with this.

This means we're ready to start the job of moving content across to the new structure, bit by bit. I'll start on this in the next couple of days. Other volunteers welcome.

Um, I am getting :

$ svn update
subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:670: (apr_err=160004)
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/repos/asf/cocoon/trunk'
subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:367: (apr_err=160004)
Corrupt entry in 'transactions' table for '3uqh' in filesystem '/x1/svn/asf/db'

Try now. It seems the whole repo went down. Dunno whether it was me and my 4.8Mb commit that did it though!

Regards, Upayavira

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