Michael Wechner wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Your feedback and opinions about this initial implementation and its future evolutions are more than welcome!

very cool. I will check how it will fit together with the Lenya specific stuff


Re the JCR library lib/optional/jcr-0.16.4.jar, is it really allowed to re-distribute

Re the Jackrabbit library lib/optional/jackrabbit-20050422T153417.jar, I think
it would make sense to use the LCR (Last Changed Revision) number instead the date
within the filename.

I'm no subversion expert, hence my hesitation to use it. How does this LCR behave when the last commit was done somewhere deep in the hierarchy and not on the checkout root? What is the number returned by "svn update" at the checkout root?


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
http://apache.org/~sylvain            http://anyware-tech.com
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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