Steven Noels wrote:
On 12 May 2005, at 15:56, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

- inline WYSIWYS (what you see is what you structure, i.e. htmlarea or something similar, but no wiki or XML syntax)


- version management, so that validated content can be published on while newer versions are being written

Check (support for branches in 1.3M1)

- tagging, to produce the classification of docs and ease navigation

There's support for multi-valued fields coming up in the next release. You can embed queries in the navigation tree since 1.0.

- some management tools allowing to quickly see what has changed and needs to be validated.

Don't fully understand, though I guess "notification mails" and "recent changes" and "query language" should cover this adequately.

To validate whether a document should be published, i.e. to review it, which involves clearly seeing what the author changed.

Again, I'm not pushing, nor offering to run it on our own hardware. Not that I don't want to administer or help out. Just that I don't want this to be a solo job.

ASF infra are just getting solaris zones up and running. Shouldn't be long before we can have one of those for ourselves. Also, there is a new discussion about site publishing ASF-wide that this could fit into - whatever we chose to base our system on daisy, drupal, zope, or xml files.

Regards, Upayavira

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