Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Ralph Goers wrote:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

For our current situation I think we could release a 2.2.0 right away. It doesn't contain what we planned for but OTH it contains a lot of goodies that we didin't plan for and that should be usefull for a larger audience.

First, I want to see Cocoon Forms marked stable, even if the next release is 2.1.8, IMO that has got to happen.

We all want to see Cocoon Forms marked stable. But most of us, I for example, don't do anything to make it happen.

And I go into the bad behavior of adding new features...

Second, has anybody stress tested trunk? Or documented what incompatibilities have been introduced? Or even what features it provides?

Don't know. Reinhard and maybe Sylvain at least seem to use it for customer systems maybe there are more.

I use 2.2 for some prototypes, but not for customer projects.

Heck, if someone asked me what the benefit of the current trunk is over the 2.1.X branch I don't think I could tell them. I know the core has changed a lot....

This is the most popular reference: http://www.anyware-tech.com/blogs/sylvain/archives/000171.html

That was to outline all of the hidden gems that were flourishing in trunk...


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
http://apache.org/~sylvain            http://anyware-tech.com
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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