Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

AFAIU only some work on cForms is missing (flowscript API and repeater binding)

That's far from the only work to do IMO, as there are a lot of semi-finished core features. Some that come to mind: refactored object model,

Here the main problem is that JXTG and flow have some differences in behaviour, see and for description and possible solutions. We need to decide: should we keep trhe direct access of request params as properties of cocoon.request and session/context attributes as properties of cocoon.[session|context] or not. Should we support the direct usage of org.*, javax.* and com.* whithout needing the Packages. prefix in flow?

On that point, I proposed to write a new implementation of the flowscript implementation. This is certainly not a total rewrite, but a refactoring of the existing code to have an overally consistent object model, and also introduce a "flow" object that would separate the flow-specific operations out of the "cocoon" object that should be the common base for the object model, and therefore be identical in all places (flow, templates, form event listeners, etc).

Would be nice!

Having thought a little bit more about it I think that we, for the moment, just should make JXTG compatible with flow and independent of it. I take care of that if not anyone else feel like doing it. Then we can discuss refactorings, deprecation of confusing behaviour etc. But we need to support the behaviour of JXTG from 2.1 in 2.2 even if we hopefully can deprecate some stuff.


As discussed in the relases thread I don't think it is realistic to stop adding features, we need a way to let rock stable core functionality coexist with new features. Otherwise the defacto "no release" policy will continue.

Agree. That this "rock solid core" state that I'm currently not sure about, as many changes have occured there.

I'm certainly not saying that the core in trunk is rock solid rigth now. What I'm saying is that when we have managed to get the core "rock solid" again, we should keep it that way in trunk. Marking something that is stable as unstable seem to be self fullfilling. People might become less carefull in the hope that it can be fixed later and most user testing and feedback dissapears.


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