oceatoon wrote:

If the Map widgets is concidered as the map itself, then wouldn't it be
usefull to pass the url of the image as attribute @url
or fd:value, offcourse this could also be specified in the styling tag but
you allready have the SetImageSource .

Hmm... maybe an "fd:image-source" tag would do... I'll think about it.

fd:datatype could also be an interesting piece of information to specify the
type of map, image, SVG , GML ...other

Wait, this is an *image map* widget (in the HTML sense), not a *map* widget.

And a very usefull piece of definition would be fd:selection-list containing
items, values, and labels, maybe urls or even GML... ???

This might be a separate widget: again, don't forget this is not a map widget.

This could be a very nice feature to connect to datasrc's for filling the
map. It Could be similar to what the selection-list does , don't you
think ?

Don't forget this is not a a map widget, only an image map one.


   Luca Morandini

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