Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

In 2.2 we have the nice feature to have a class loader on a per sitemap
base. This allows to load classes just for this sitemap (and all sub
Now, the implementation - the SitemapLanguage -  uses a global
component, the ClassLoaderFactory to get the per sitemap classloader.
Current we only have on implementation and even if we had different
implementations, you can only configure one classloader factory for the
whole cocoon instance.

For my own application I want to use an own classloader for a specific
sitemap - which is not possible today.

Can you elaborate on your use case?

So what do you think about removing the (avalon) component
ClassLoaderFactory and make the class loader factory configurable on a
per sitemap base. Then you can define the class for the factory on the
components section:
<map:components classloader-factory-class="..."/>

If this attribute is missing we use the default which is the

Hmm... since this class has to be defined by a higher-level classloader, what about allowing different implementations for the ClassLoaderFactory, i.e. using a role rather than a class name?

Also, it seems to me this property belongs more to <map:classpath> rather than <map:components>.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies  
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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