Andrew Savory wrote:
> I'd object because the IRC channel can contain informal chat as well as
> useful reference. IMHO the best way to get useful reference archived is
> for summaries of chats that resolve a problem to be posted back to the
> mailing list. This lets people talk in an informal context, but ensures
> useful content is not lost.

Not all chats have the intention to resolve problems. What is considered
to be "common" cocoon talk for one person can be a source of
high-expertise information for another person.

Nobody will bother posting chat logs back to the list unless it is a
ground breaking idea or decision (which are never discussed on IRC in
the first place !).

A logging bot is a non-intrusive, no-effort way of recording stuff that
just *might* be useful to someone, someday. If logging informal
conversation is a problem, you can always prefix your chat with [off],
which will cause it not being logged.

I would've had this up and running long time already but am having
problems getting the bot to connect to (firewall issues?),
and i'm not an IRC expert :(

As an example, have a look at [1] to see how it could work.



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