Le 4 juin 05, à 17:54, Bertrand Delacretaz a écrit :

...Also, it seems like redirects do not work as expected.

For example (starting with the new links at http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/), clicking the "supersonic tour" link at


sends a redirect to

http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/samples/blocks/tour/intro/docs/ index.html..

With "ProxyPreserveHost Off" instead of "On" in the httpd.conf, redirects seem to work correctly.

Daisy doesn't seem to require this setting, so we'll leave it Off for now.

CSS and others links are still broken on the samples, to fix this we'll need either a bunch of ugly mod_rewrite statements, or (much better) fix them in the samples to use relative links.


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