Il giorno 12/lug/05, alle 19:22, Joerg Heinicke ha scritto:

On 12.07.2005 17:42, Jason Johnston wrote:

It works. The only nagging doubt I have is whether removing the parameter declaration from the included files means that they cannot be used anymore by themselves. I doubt anyone is doing this, however.

I'm doing this :-) As the name says, it's forms-*samples*-styling and it has nothing to do with my application.
I am doing this as well; in fact I'm only using forms-field-styling.xsl
not imported by anything else.  So removing that variable declaration
will break the individual stylesheets when used alone.  Authors
shouldn't have to create a stylesheet that does nothing but include
another single stylesheet and declare a single variable.

The way you and Reinhard are using it is the way I planned and implemented it. Unfortunately it is not standard compliant as shown not only by Saxon, but also by XSLTC. There were complaints about it, but I never fixed for the reason you wrote above. Now that it is changed, I won't revert it though ;-)

I tried changing includes to imports in forms-samples-styling.xsl but this breaks the samples. I couldn't spot where the difference was between the two outputs, but the layout of the form1 sample is wrong and tabs disappeared.

Now, if someone who is better than me at XSL-T wants to submit a patch that makes the stylesheets compliant with the spec and working with most processors, while allowing to use one of them in isolation, I'd be glad to test it and apply it. Just don't expect me to do it :)


Ugo Cei
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