Hi Robert,

...Maybe introducing an
"order number" metadata attribute would help and not be too hard to
manage? We could then rearrange the snippets be changing their order
numbers, while keeping the overall order based on the snippet types.

Perhaps. I think some sort of "weight" might give the publisher
options while also introducing more complexity to the process...

Weight sounds good as a concept for this, and if sensible defaults are used to order snippets when no weights are set, the normal case will be easy to handle.

....Issue #2:
Of course simple having to index so many different metadata keys might
be annoying and they should perhaps all be changed to one 'id' or
'name' field. I feel this should be done.

I'm not sure what you mean here, can you elaborate or give an example?

I meant instead of what I proposed up there:

@doktor-start type:method, method:methodName
@doktor-start type:codeblock, codeblock:blockName

we have something like:

@doktor-start type:codeblock, name:blockName
@doktor-start type:method, name:methodName

Ok, then I agree with you that the second way is better.

a) What is the FileGenerator?
b) Which generator can read URLs through a proxy?
c) What sitemap parameters can be used for the FileGenerator?
d) I need an example of how to use the HtmlTransformer ..
I think that these make more sense and give me a good place to start
thinking from, but I'm not sure that with my limited experience with
Cocoon I could develop a comprehensive listing. Elaboration of more
cases would be helpful.

Ok - I think these are a good start, if I think of more I'll post them here!

...I always have believed that a dynamic use was if not the end goal for
this project it was at least the target for RefDoc in the future...

You're right, static documents (which will themselves be searchable) is the main goal. The Lucene index will be here anyway when we want to go further.

.. We
still have a month to complete whatever it is you'd like and perhaps I
could better achieve it if I knew what you had in mind? Although, I'd
like to finish even if it isn't before September...

The initial spec stays as the main goal, I agree that you should stay focused on the document generation. Fancier searches will come later.


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