On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 16:38 +0200, Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> > ? The <fi:validation-errors> element is  described here:  
> > http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/forms/xslt.html#fi%3Avalidation- 
> > errors
> Yes, sure. Where I'm lost is about knowing *what* produces this 
> fi:validation-errors element (it's not a widget, isn't it?). I never 
> used it, and a quick search did not revealed how it is produced.

You are correct, it is not "produced" by anything besides the template
author.  It's simply a styling hint, much like fi:group, which is
handled entirely by the XSLT.

Unfortunately this means that it is never included in the AJAX browser-
update XML since there's nothing to ensure it's wrapped in a <bu:update>
element.  (Hmm, would manually wrapping it in a <bu:update> in the
template do the trick?  I wonder.  It would definitely need an id
attribute though.)  I think there's a definite usefulness in having it
AJAX-enabled, so perhaps it needs to be handled further upstream, e.g.
in FormsTemplateTransformer.  Should it become an ft-namespaced element
instead like <ft:validation-errors id="someId" />?  Thoughts?  I'm
willing to take a whack at putting together a patch, with guidance.


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