hepabolu wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

So, if you can run the Daisy-to-Forrest export, can you use the old navigation structure documents or should I be rewriting these in Daisy?

Yes, just tell me which version of the navigation document you want me to use. In fact this goes for any focuments, by default it will use the live version, but you can override this behaviour on a per page basis if you want to.

Ah, if I understand you correctly I should recreate the old navigation structure of the website (as defined in various site.xml and book.xml files) in Daisy. Correct?

Ah, I see I misunderstood your question. The Forrest plugin can use the old site.xml files or new ones defined in Daisy or even a mix of the two (i.e. new ones imported into the old ones).

More on this when I have an iniital demo working. In the first instance I'll use the site.xml files in SVN.


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