Joerg Heinicke wrote:
Could you please update the Bundle-Classpath (used by OSGi) in trunk/src/java/ when you update jars in lib/core or lib/endorsed. I did it for your update, but I might miss updates so it is good if more people remember it. This is only a temporary situation, the jars should be separate bundles instead of being packaged in the Cocoon core bundle, also I didn't felt to write something more automatic until we have finished changning build system to Maven2.

What about generating this file?

We have discussed that, some people would prefer to generate the manifest files from block.xml and some other, I for example, prefer to have explicit manifest files. There are a number of configuration files that we will need that might have some overlap:, block.xml gump.xml and pom.xml. We decided to wait a little bit until we have implemented more of the block and sitemap handling stuff in the block architecture before we decide.

Also there is some activity in the Oscar project on writing a OSGi-plugin for Maven2.

Normally bundle (block) manifest files will not be as complicated as the one for the Cocoon core bundle, which currently is far to monolithic. The long term plan is to remove almost all of the jars that currently is part of the Cocoon core bundle (most of lib/core and lib/endorsed) and package them as bundles. But it will require some work to write (or generate) bundle files for all these jars. Hopefully we can work together with the maintainers for at least some of these jars so that they put a bundle manifest file in the jars, (this should IMO be possible for the Excalibur and Commons jars).

The Cocoon core bundle should probably also be split into a number of blocks.

OTH, it should be rather easy to generate the Bundle-Classpath during the build, so if anyone have feel like it, please go ahead.


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