Hi all!

Well, I admit I am a bit behind, in a way. I have a strict plan by which
I should be done by friday morning/thursday night ;)

Progress-wise, I did everything preliminary. Partial widget definitions
are possible and checked for completeness just before instantiation. I
cleaned up the code a bit in general and I implemented a new component
to manage libraries and look them up much like the FormManager. What's
left is testing this library feature and inheritance. I decided to drop
the Macro stuff in favor of New/Class which basically has the same
functionality. Inheritance (when I'm done) will be available for _every_
widget, so you can even use it without using libraries at all.

I had some problems, mostly unrelated to programming though. I planned
the time so that I would work on it intensely in August, and just last
week I had a bad flu and was sleeping basically for the whole week. I
lost valuable time during that week, but as I said before, I have a plan
and "I just love it when a plan comes together!" - John "Hannibal"
Smith. ;)

Steps until The End:

1. Test the ImportDefinitionBuilder/Library stuff, probably by use of a
2. Fix caching (done by the LibraryManager) to use timestamps as well so
that forms know their dependencies have changed
3. Implement inheritance by copyconstructor. Builders are already
modified to interpret configs as sensible as possible (i.e. merging
display data instead of completely resetting it)
4. Binding Library: Model stuff is applicable, so "port" it
5. Template Library: Can't do much here, just provide inclusion
mechanism for Class templates.
6. Oh, and docs of course... 

Phew, I did say it would be a tight plan, right? 1,2, and half 3 should
be done by tonight/tomorrow morning, 4 tomorrow night, 5/6 thursday
night. Then I will be on holiday until tuesday, and I'll have the 31st
to wrap up anything that is still left.

Okay, back to work!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bertrand Delacretaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 08:55
> To: dev@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject: [GSoC] status reports?
> With ten days left to finish the GSoC projects, I think it would be 
> good for our three students to provide a short status report here.
> Think "3P":
> Progress:
> What have you accomplished and how does it compare to the project's 
> goals.
> Problems:
> Is anything preventing you from reaching the project goals, 
> and if yes 
> can we do something about it.
> Perspectives:
> What are your plans until the September 1st "pencils down" deadline.
> Make sure to leave sufficient time for feedback where you need it.
> -Bertrand

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