Hi all,

I'd like to be the voice of a general opinion among Cocoon developers that Arjé Cahn should be made a Cocoon committer.

Arjé has been using Cocoon for years and has taken the responsibility of organizing the upcoming GetTogether, which shows how much he cares for Cocoon and its community. And we value this a lot.

This isn't the usual committer vote, since Arjé hasn't provided a lot of code patches. But quoting Stefano, "committer means 'being committed to the project' rather than being able to commit code".

There are some precendents for this: Matthew Langham and Andrew Savory were made committers, because we felt they were important citizens of the Cocoon community. The same applies to Arjé today.

Please cast your votes!


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
http://people.apache.org/~sylvain     http://www.anyware-tech.com
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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