Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Ok, now I found out the problem:

No top-level widget should be named 'submit' to avoid problems  with
HTML <form> elements, at fd:submit

Why did this change? It broke our application and the error message was
nowhere to be seen. It would be good to see at least a message and in
addition I think we should just create a warning here to keep
compatibility, no?

This has been added to 2.2 some months ago. Basically, the big problem with inputs named "submit" is that they hide the submit() function on the Form object in the browser document.

This isn't really a problem until you have some event handlers on an input, that needs to programmatically call form.submit(). In that case, the form is not submited and there's an JS error in the browser such as "object is not a function".

I spent many hours finding such problems, and many CForms users already encountered it (see for example [1]). Hence this decision to forbid widgets named "submit".

So what should we do: allow widgets named "submit" knowing that it will break forms with event handlers, or allow it for the sake of compatibility, letting users pull their hairs with weird broken forms?



Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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