Thorsten Scherler wrote:
Hi all,

in forrest we run lately into problems with the linkrewriter and jxpath.
I am trying to debug that but I had some problems.

The problem I had in debugging the
org.apache.cocoon.transformation.LinkRewriterTransformer class in
eclipse (3.1) for forrest is that I got:

"Unable to install breakpoint in ... due to missing line number
attributes. Modify compiler options to generate line number attributes.
Reason: Absent line number information"

There is nothing wrong with cocoon build as it is. As you can see from javac 

Usage: javac <options> <source files>
where possible options include:
  -g                        Generate all debugging info

And javac ant task help, all debug information is already present. I bet there is a problem on eclipse side - as I always am able to debug w/IDEA.


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