Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Steven Noels wrote:

The same kind of wonder I had when this thread started - as in "oh no, this is sooo easy and self-centered!".

Yes self-centered and irresponsible.


Steven and Daniel, I'm sorry, but your comments prove my point. Sylvain was the only one understanding what this was all about [1]: a wake up call.

Hey, this gives me one more reason for not wanting the merge of the user and dev lists!

Along with the disruptive technical proposal that happen on the dev list, we also have to consider the "firebrand in the anthill" posts meant to awaken the community. We are able to understand this, as we know each other and we know our history. Users do not and will simply run back to the quieter Struts lists if they read that on the list where they hope to find help and support.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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