> In my experience, it doesn't matter which list I ask for help on,
> it still gets ignored.

That sounds really frustrated.
Sorry about that.

My experience (although probably not objectively realistic, and biased by bad experiences) is that my first request for help is usually answered, even by a few people, but without fully solving the problem (blame me: my first post contains most certainly insufficient information), and the second round is unanswered.

So I usually get insightful answers which help me continue my research (good), but that does not necessarily means the problem is solved (bad). At most, what I tend to get is a kind of "workaround" (not too bad, but could be better).

Maybe it just did not ring
a bell when people read it.

That's the strange point about my feeling. It seems to ring the bell the first time, but not loud enough to follow up.

In the end it probably comes
down to how much time a developer
can spend on tracking down
the bug you are seeing.
If you can reduce that time
you are more likely to get an

I try, but it is not always easy, if you don't have enough knowledge about internals.

OTOH, I know many users (myself included) seldom try to help others, probably because of lack of time. But if users don't have time, why should developers?


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