hepabolu wrote:

this is both a notification and some requests.

During the GT I've asked several people in the community to write an article on an aspect of Cocoon. The intention is to get a series of a few articles and have them published in an (online) magazine or other relevant site to promote/expose Cocoon.

The intended readers are:
- those unfamiliar with Cocoon/those that think Cocoon is only suitable for small, almost static websites.
- those that are familiar with Cocoon and run into a similar problem.

So the article should not be too technical, but give enough information to help the readers in the second group to find more information. Given the target group the articles should not be too long, certainly not more than 5 pages, probably less.

So far I've been promised:

- Cocoon and large websites by Pier and Ross McDonald, focus on performance issues - Cocoon and security by Ralph, focus on security issues in internet banking
- Cocoon and AJAX by Sylvain, focus on how easy it is in Cocoon
- Cocoon and performance by Jack Ivers and Vadim, focus on a comparison of XSLT processors
- Cocoon and CMS by Steven, focus on the role/advantages of Cocoon in Daisy


How about something about Cocoon as a service integration platform? Massimo, Matthew and Gianugo, between the three of you, I'm sure you have something to say.

I would like to see the success stories too, like the sites that won awards that are powered by cocoon.... or the behind-the-scene integrators.

- are there more people willing to contribute articles that could fit this series?

I think you should convince our more CTO-ish type of committers that even if they are so overwhelmed and busy these days, it's probably good for their business and cocoon's in general, if we show off a little more what we achieved. More real life case studies and serious stuff can bring a lot of solidity to the question "why should I use this stuff?" that CTO/CIOs ask.

- what would be the most interesting site/magazine to get this series published? I intend to get them up on our documentation site as well, just have to figure out what the most effective publishing schedule is.

I think O'Reillynet/xml.com is a good place. O'Reilly has wanted a book on cocoon forever, which I started and dumped, then Steven restarted and dumped (or held), so it didn't happen.

Not sure there is enough traction for an entire column on cocoon, but we might well ask, a lot of people in O'Reilly have good respect for Cocoon.


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