Sorry to add my concerns to the vote thread. Should have mentioned them earlier.

On 14.10.2005 14:32, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

1) Set all open issues (except those filed since September 1st, but including patches) to resolution=LATER and PRIORITY=P5, and add to each issue the comment shown under "Bugzilla comment to send" on BugzillaIssuesCleanup. This can be done en masse in bugzilla.

September 1st is much to late IMO. It is not even two months ago. I would propose at least half a year or all bugs of this year. But IIRC to many bugs are of this year, aren't they? So what about a compromise of July 1st (= second half year of 2005)?

3) We wait 2 weeks, until October 31st

IMO also to short period of time. 1 month at least. When I got fixed a bug in other projects I always need some time to re-checkout the project (from which I mostly use only releases), set up a testcase and so on. Don't put the reporters to much under pressure.

4) After this deadline, Issues in state LATER and containing BUGZILLA_CLEANUP_2005_10 are those which were not confirmed, we can reopen them if we want, or they stay in that state, with priority=P5 in any case.

Of course every bug can be reopened. But it is an issue of perception. Doing this clean up to aggressively can lead to affronts to the reporters.


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