Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Isn't "1999-2005" enough?

Well, actually yes, and to be honest "1999" is wrong anyway as the code
has been written later...but I don't want to touch the "old values", I'm
just adding the year of the latest change (which is actually not really
Most of our copyright definitions are totally wrong, as mostly they were
just copy/pasted from some other source :(

We are going to get rid of copyright definitions anyway, since the ASF does not, in fact, own that copyright, but it remains ownership of the people that wrote it. The ASF owns a license to it.

My suggestion, don't spend time on this, as the board will resolve the issue soon and invoke a directive for all the projects to follow (hopefully with some source code cleanup scripts to enable it)


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