Le 13 oct. 05, à 10:42, Pier Fumagalli a écrit :
...I was waiting for a closure on the "REQ Fixing really old bugs" thread before proposing a timeline, it definitely makes sense to wait for the cleanup to be complete....

Peter's idea of doing the cleanup in Jira makes a lot of sense [1], I think you can go ahead with the move, and we'll do the cleanup there.

One thing that we haven't discussed IIRC: can we lock the old bugzilla issues after the move? As the bugzilla instance is shared between many projects I don't know how to do that.

What I could do is create a script to add a comment like "This issue has moved to Jira, see http://issues.apache.org/jira/bugzillasearch.jsp?id=NNNN"; with NNNN=bugzilla issue number, to all bugzilla issues, and set them to WONTFIX or to a new MOVED_TO_JIRA state.

But maybe someone has a better idea?


[1] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xml-cocoon-dev&m=112929764310413&w=2

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