Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Ralph Goers wrote:

I have a concern over the hascode that is used in the
DefaultEventConverter.  Although it may not be likely, hash algorithms
can return duplicate values so this is not guaranteed to always work.

Yes, you can configure a mapping on the event converter and use more
readable keys:
<mapping name="sizing" event-class="o.a.c.p.SOMETHING"/>
Well, I see that. But I just don't see how the urls ever get encoded with the name. See my comments below.

+    public void configure(Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException {
+        Configuration[] mappings = 
+        for( int i=0; i<mappings.length; i++) {
+            final Configuration current = mappings[i];
+            final String key = current.getAttribute("name");
+            final String eventClass = current.getAttribute("event-class");
+            final Constructor c = this.getConstructor(eventClass);
+            final long hash = HashUtil.hash(eventClass);

        The hash of the class name might not be unique.

+            final String hashKey = Long.toString(hash);
+            this.factories.put(hashKey, key);

        The hash key is now associated with the name. However unlikely, this 
replaced an element that was already stored with this hashkey.

+            this.factories.put(key, c);
+ + }

And in encode...

+            final String factory = event.getClass().getName();
+            final long hash = HashUtil.hash(factory);
We now have a hash of the class name. The hash might not be unique.

+            final String hashKey = Long.toString(hash);

        The hash is now a string.

+            Object o = this.factories.get(hashKey);

        Look up the hashkey and retrieve the object.  If configured this will retrieve 
the "name" stored with this hash. There is a small chance this is the wrong 

+            if ( o == null ) {
+                final Constructor c = this.getConstructor(factory);
+                this.factories.put(hashKey, c);
+                o = c;
-            int index = list.indexOf(event);
-            if ( index == -1 ) {
-                list.add(event);
-                index = list.size() - 1;
+            if ( o instanceof Constructor ) {
+                return hashKey + ':' + data;
-            return String.valueOf(index);

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