hepabolu wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:


For __future__ releases, we will have a third option:
c)  include the forrest block and cocoon docs configuration files

-1 for this, although it should be moved to another thread.

I don't think it's a good idea to give "all" users access to the staging server. If that was possible we could have simple decided that the current Daisy configuration in the zones is are new, latest and greatest documentation source where everyone should go and look for the most recent, most uptodate documentation.

I did not explain myself very clearly.

Daisy has two stages of publishing, draft and published. Anyone nominated as a doc-author can edit documents, but there edits are put into a draft document. Only doc-editors can publish the documents.

There is also a third mechanism for version control in 1.3 (which we now use). That is branches. We could create branches for the released version of Cocoon and another for the development version.

Access to each of these types of document is controlled by the ACL within Daisy. Therefore the "documentation block" will retrieve only the the types of documents that people have access to see, for example:

users - published docs from a released version
user/editors - draft docs from a released version
devs  - published docs from the dev version
dev/editors - draft docs from the dev version


In this way people only see what either we want them to see, or they choose to see. This is akin to users only having access to the bundled docs in a release, but devs having access to the development docs in SVN.


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