Steinar Jonsson wrote:

I have played a little with 2.1.8 and have two problems related to javaflow. Problem 1: I cannot get access to sitemap parameters. This is supposedly fixed in 2.2, but would be nice to have in 2.1 also. Problem 2: I cannot get a selection box value change event to terminate and give control back to my flow code.
It looks like this is what's happening:
- the form is initially set to invalid, validations are supposed to possibly set it to valid - the result of calling endProcessing() is that no validation takes place so the form remains invalid
- if the form is invalid it is redisplayed no matter what

That last point is bogus: the result of endProcessing dictates if the form should be redisplayed or not.

I fixed it. Please cross-check.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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