I try to combine portal+form(with ajax) in 2.1.8 rc1,all is fine but one problem,I don't know if is a bug,and just show my step here:
 1.change block portal in samples,copletdata.xml,config like:
    <coplet-data id="app-test-two" name="standard">
     <title>Application Test</title>
        <value xsi:type="java:java.lang.Boolean">true</value>
        <value xsi:type="java:java.lang.Boolean">true</value>
<value xsi:type="java:java.lang.String">cocoon:/coplets/html/application</value>
<value xsi:type="java:java.lang.String">cocoon://samples/blocks/forms/do-datasourceChooser.flow</value>

  I just point the url to a form ajax sample
  2.change portal skin files to make form render correctly.
3.change form block datasource_chooser_template.xml,from <ft:form-template action="#{$cocoon/continuation/id}.continue" method="POST" ajax="true">
<ft:form-template action="continue" method="POST" ajax="true" ajax-action="/samples/blocks/forms/continue">
   this change will still make the sample run good.
Now I run the server and enter portal block sample,it works fine only when finally I click "ok" button. If it is not a ajax form or run the form seperatly,I should see the result information,but now I see the form restart. I check the aceess log and add some debug code in js file,the flowscript did't run after
and the seperate form sample will run continue twice when I click "ok" but only once under this condition. I guess the ajax code missing one click to make showForm complete in this situation,so it may be a bug. Regards Roy Huang

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