Il giorno 07/dic/05, alle ore 11:43, Ross Gardler ha scritto:

Most businesses are made up of common business processes. The odd one will be unique to that business, but most are common. In the case of the unique practices the software needs to be customised, but in the case of common practices an "off-the-shelf" solution is sufficient.

Sorry but I don't believe this dream of high-level, off-the-shelf, customizable components will ever come to fruition, Cocoon or not. On this point, I agree with Dan Creswell [1]:

"All attempts at creating high-level business components that can be re-used and re-configured have failed previously. This failure has not been for technical reasons - it happens because the requirements that yielded the original component interface were sufficiently different from the new requirements so as to require re-writing massive chunks of functionality."

And David Heinemeier Hansson as well [2]:

"On the surface, the dream of components sounds great and cursory overviews of new projects also appear to be "a perfect fit". But they never are. Reuse is hard. Parameterized reuse is even harder. And in the end, you're left with all the complexity of a swiss army knife that does everything for no one at great cost and pain."

I'd be content if Cocoon was simply a powerful and easy-to-use web application development framework.



Ugo Cei
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