* Max Pfingsthorn:

> I would  like to start  rejuventating the webdav  block. We have
> some  code to  do  cool things  like event  caching  and a  more
> general purpose  WebDAVTransformer (which can also  do propfind,
> proppatch, etc).
> If you know anything you would  like to see in the webdav block,
> please say so now. Maybe I can work it in!

Hello Max,

Thank you  for taking care of  the WebDAV block.  We  wish to have
versioning support in WebDAVSource: checkin(), checkout(), lock(),
unlock(), versionControl(), and so on.

Is there an open-source implementation for that?
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
Systèmes d'Information
Tel : +33 (0)5 61 00 52 90
Fax : +33 (0)5 61 00 51 46