On 1/19/06, Ralph Goers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> I looked at what I believe is the right version of
> ContinuationInterpreter
> (http://svn.cocoondev.org/repos/rhino+cont/branches/BEFORE_PACKAGENAME_CHANGE/rhino1_5R4pre/src/org/mozilla/javascript/continuations/ContinuationInterpreter.java)
> and found that it has a while(true) look and that both line 657 and line
> 1134 are within it.  The loop has a really large switch statement (line
> 657 is TokenStream.SETNAME and 1134 is NON_TAIL_CALL . Unfortunately, I
> have no idea what it is trying to do. but apparently it never breaks out
> of the loop.

Random guess: continuation clean up?  Is it possible that you some how
have a looping continuations tree? Do you use "createWebContination"
in your calculator to manually book mark things?  If so, could there
be a loop in the resultant continuations structure?

Peter Hunsberger