Daniel Fagerstrom skrev:
Reinhard Poetz skrev:
According to the pom.xml of the blocks framework, it depends on cocoon-core. I'm not sure but if we consider cocoon-core being a block too, we get a circular dependency, don't we?

Yes it becomes circular, OTH I don't want any special purpose component configurations during the bootstrap of the blocks system. The workaround for now should IMO be to have cocoon-core at the initial classpath (WEB-INF/lib) and have a fake core block that only contains the configuration file, but no classes.

I checked in an example of this, if you agree about the solution, you could add a cocoon-core-components (e.g.) block that just contain the configuration files, that can be used by the deployer.

I also integrated your code for adding the blocks to the class loader, into the BlocksManager. No handling of jars yet, and not much testing. Feel free to improve it ;)

Now everything should be in place for making it possible to actually execute the deployed blocks.
