Jens Maukisch wrote:


Didn't you want to do:
<jx:forEach var="varName"
  items="${java.util.StringTokenizer(items, delims)}">

Have you tried the sample mentioned in the Docs? It does not work
for me either and your corrected code above too (C2.1.8).

So I think it's a bug?
One more thing: this construct

${java.util.StringTokenizer(items, delims)}

will work only when .jx is invoked from flow. This is due to the fact that neither JEXL nor JXPath is able to reference packages/create java objects. The functionality in fact is provided by Rhino library.

This is already fixed for 2.2-dev (still the dependency on Rhino remains).

Leszek Gawron                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IT Manager                                         MobileBox sp. z o.o.
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