David Crossley skrev:
And the failures here are mostly from snapshots.maven.codehaus.org

We should avoid the use of snapshots as far as possible. Besides the obvious wish to build Cocoon on stable ground, the snapshots complicates Maven use as Maven check the repositories for more recent snapshots at every build, instead of just when the needed version isn't in your local repository.

This lead to much slower builds, and more stress on the repositories. And as they not are so stable, it is frustrating.

Anyone knowing what we use from the above repository, I didn't find anything obvious.

and cvs.apache.org

Here we have the Cocoon snapshots, if we get them to start to be built automatically again, they will simplify life in the way that one only need to checkout the block one is working on. Recent builds of the dependent blocks will be downloaded during built.

So here the advantage of snapshots probably is greater than the disadvantage.


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